The PILATES theme of the week is BALANCE: Standing on one leg is a test of your balance. Your ability to stand on one leg at the age of 50 is a good indicator of your predicted life span. However, with practice we can improve our balance and live longer. EXERCISE: STAND ON ONE LEG FOR ONE MINUTE EACH LEG – first with your EYES OPEN and eventually with your EYES CLOSED. Stand in front of the kitchen work top at first so you have something to hold on to if you lose your balance. You could do this exercise every time you boil the kettle or while you brush your teeth. Have a great week and remember to practice this balance exercise. If you would like to incorporate it into a 20 minute Pilates workout then take a look at the Start The Day With Pilates video below which finishes with this balance exercise (an advanced and beginner level):
BBC Radio 4 ‘Just One Thing – standing on one leg.’ (14 minutes)We look forward to seeing you in your Pilates class this week.